Republic Day Essay In English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati Language - Welcome to my blog !!! I wish you all a great happy republic day 2017. today I am back with my new article which is about short Essay on 26 January Republic day in Hindi, English & other language for you. Also I have published here happy republic day wishes quotes message in Hindi, English, Marathi, Gujarati & other language and 26 January happy republic day 2017 pictures photos on my recent stuffs of happy republic day 2017 for you. republic day essay is best for kids & college students for that reason we bring here short essay on happy republic day 2017 for you. if you are students on class 1st to 8th class and looking for 26 January essay in your language then you have on right place.
As we know that every year republic day is celebrate on 26th January and this year India is going to celebrate its 86th Republic Day. the story behind the celebration of Republic day is on that day Constitution of India came into the force . for that reason every year on 26th January India celebrate its Republic day. for the first time on January 26th 1950 India become its Democratic and Republic Nation. and the day has been declared its official holiday as the National day in India. every peoples celebrate Republic day with great joy and happiness, kids and students celebrate republic day by attending republic day parades, celebrating republic day cultural & sports events and more. well !!! republic day essay in Hindi & English is best for college and school students for that we have here 26 January Essay in your language.
Our Country become free on 15th August 1947 from British Empowerment after many years hard struggle from our freedom fighters. and after achieving Independence India formed its own Constitution as well as declared itself as the Republic of India. just after the Independence, India was not have any permanent constitution. However, later in 1947 on 28th of August, a Drafting Committee was allotted in order to make a permanent constitution of India. The chairman of Drafting Committee was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who successfully had drafted the Indian Constitution. India celebrates its freedom from British Rule as Independence Day which is celebrate 15th of August, annually and remembers its constitution implementation as Republic Day and celebrate 26th of January, annually.
As we know that every year republic day is celebrate on 26th January and this year India is going to celebrate its 86th Republic Day. the story behind the celebration of Republic day is on that day Constitution of India came into the force . for that reason every year on 26th January India celebrate its Republic day. for the first time on January 26th 1950 India become its Democratic and Republic Nation. and the day has been declared its official holiday as the National day in India. every peoples celebrate Republic day with great joy and happiness, kids and students celebrate republic day by attending republic day parades, celebrating republic day cultural & sports events and more. well !!! republic day essay in Hindi & English is best for college and school students for that we have here 26 January Essay in your language.
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Short Essay On Republic Day (26 January) In English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati Language |
Republic Day Essay In English Language -
Our Country become free on 15th August 1947 from British Empowerment after many years hard struggle from our freedom fighters. and after achieving Independence India formed its own Constitution as well as declared itself as the Republic of India. just after the Independence, India was not have any permanent constitution. However, later in 1947 on 28th of August, a Drafting Committee was allotted in order to make a permanent constitution of India. The chairman of Drafting Committee was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who successfully had drafted the Indian Constitution. India celebrates its freedom from British Rule as Independence Day which is celebrate 15th of August, annually and remembers its constitution implementation as Republic Day and celebrate 26th of January, annually.
Republic Day Essay In Hindi Language -
Our Country India Becomes Independent On August 15, 1947.But There Was No Act Other Than Government Of India Act 1935.Then On November 04, 1947 A Draft By The Committee Was Submitted To The Assembly.After The Long Time Wait (Approx 3 Years ) Finally The Constitution Was Passed On January 26, 1950 Means Constitution Of India Came Into Forece. Then Oyr Country India Was Declared As A Sovereign, Secular, Socialistic And Democratic Republic Means People Of India Has The Power To Govern The Country Themselves. On This Day First Off All Our President Of India Hosts The Flag And Singing The National Anthem After That Prime Minister Of India Gives The Tribute To Soldier At Amar Jawan Jyoti.Then The Bravery Awards Was Given By President To The Indian Soldiers. Ever Year Our Country Select Chief Guest For This Events.Delhi Parade Is The Main Event On Republic Day Which Takes Place By The India Army In Front Of The India Gate In The Presence Of President Of India After Unfolding The India Flag And Singing National Anthem Which Is Just A Good Felling To See.Parade Of Republic Day In India Becomes Special As It Represent An Incredible Culture Of India…!!!Happy Republic Day Essay In Tamil Tulugu Language-
Happy Republic Day Essay In Gujarati Language-
26 January Essay In Kannada Language-
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